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Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran (Translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Taqi-ud-Deen Hilaali) | | |
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Volume 1 - 10) (By Ibn Kathir) | | |
Sahih Bukhari (By Imam Bukhari) | | |
Sahih Muslim (By Imam Muslim) | | |
Muwatta' Imam Malik (the well-trodden path) (By Imam Malik Ibn Anas) | | |
Sunan Abu-Dawud (Introduction to Partial Translation) (By Imam Abu-Dawud) | | |
Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous) (By Imam An-Nawawee) | | |
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths (By Imam An-Nawawee) | | |
Forty Hadith Qudsi (By Ezzeddin Ibrahim) | | |
Fiqh Assunah (By Sayyid Saabiq) | | |
Stories Of The Quran (By Ibn Kathir) | | |
Stories of the Prophets (By Ibn Kathir) | | |
The Signs Before The Day Of Judgment (By Ibn Kathir) | | |
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) A Biography of the Prophet (By Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri) | | |
"Hisnul Muslim" Fortification of the Muslim (By Sa‘id ibn Ali ibn Wahaf ibn Al-Qahtani) | | |
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam (By I. A. Ibrahim) | | |
The True Religion Of God (By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips) | | |
The True Message Of Jesus (By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips) | | |
Did God Become Man? (By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips) | | |
Why Were We Created? (By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips) | | |
Muhammad (pbuh) the Greatest (By Ahmed Deedat) | | |
Christ In Islam (By Ahmed Deedat) | | |
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction? (By Ahmed Deedat) | | |
What the Bible says about Muhammad (pbuh)? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Muhammad (pbuh) the Natural Successor To Christ (pbuh) (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Is the Bible God's word? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
What is the Sign of Jonah? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
The God that never was (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Resurrection or Resuscitation? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Who moved the Stone? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
What is his Name? (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Combat Kit (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Salah - The Muslim Prayer (By Ahmad Deedat) | | |
Just One Message (By Dr. Naji Ibrahim Al-Arfaj) | | |
What Is His Nature? (By Dr. Naji Ibrahim Al-Arfaj) | | |
Human Rights in Islam And Common Misconceptions (By Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha) | | |
Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions (By Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha) | | |
The Message of Islam (By Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha) | | |
The Beginning and The End (By Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha) | | |
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from A to Z
(By Yusuf Estes. Former Christian Preacher) | | |
Relationships of the Great Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus to Mankind
(By Zeinul Abdeen Al-Rikabi) | | |
Forty Encounters With the Beloved Prophet. His Life, Manners and Characteristics
(By Dr. Adel ibn ‘Ali al-Shiddy) | | |
Women In Islam versus Judaeo-Christian Tradition (By Dr. Sharif Abdul Azeem) | | |
Beyond Mere Christianity (By Brandon Toropov) | | |
Stories of New Muslims | | |
General Introduction to Islam (By Ali Tantawi) | | |
33 Lessons for every Muslim (By Abdul Aziz Al-Shomar) | | |
The Muslim´s Belief (By Shaikh Al-Uthaimin) | | |
You Ask And The Quran Answers (By Mohammed Yahya Al-Toom) | | |
Ulum al Qur'an (Sciences of the Qur'an) (By Ahmad Von Denffer) | | |
Way to the Qur'an (By Khurram Murad) | | |
The Road To Mecca (By M. Asad Alias Leopold Weiss) | | |
Don't be Sad (By Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni) | | |
I Want to Repent, But ... (By Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid) | | |
Facts about Islam (By Dr. Mahmud Zakzouk) | | |
Islam exposes the biased Attempts to Discredit it (By Dr. Mahmud Zakzouk) | | |
The Young Marriage of Aisha (R.A.) (By Abdur Rahman R. Squires) | | |
A Brief Guide to the Rites of Hajj and ‘Umrah (By Shaikh Abu Haatim Usaamah al-Qoosee) | | |
The Hajj And Umrah At A Glance | | |