To attribute the presence of scientific facts in the Quraan to coincidence would be against common sense and a true scientific approach. The Quraan invites all humans to reflect on the Creation of this universe in the verse:
Behold! In the creation Of the heavens and the earth, And the alternation Of Night and Day There are indeed Signs For men of understanding. [Al-Quraan 3:190]
The scientific evidences of the Quraan clearly prove its Divine Origin. No human could have produced a book, fourteen hundred years ago, that would contain profound scientific facts, to be discovered by humankind centuries later. The Quraan, however, is not a book of Science but a book of Signs. These signs invite Man to realize the purpose of his existence on earth, and to live in harmony with Nature. The Quraan is truly a message from Allah Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It contains the same message of the Oneness of God, that was preached by all prophets, right from Adam, Moses, Jesus to Muhammad (peace be upon them).
Several detailed tomes have been written on the subject of Quraan and modern science and further research in this field is on. Inshallah, this research will help mankind to come closer to the Word of the Almighty. This booklet contains only a few of the scientific facts present in the Quraan. I cannot claim to have done full justice to the subject. Prof.Tejasen accepted Islam on the strength of just one scientific sign mentioned in the Quran. Some people may require ten signs while some may require hundred signs to be convinced about the Divine Origin of the Quraan. Some would be unwilling to accept the Truth even after being shown a thousand signs. The Quraan condemns such a closed mentality in the verse:
Deaf, dumb and blind, They will not return (To the path). [Al-Quraan 2:18]
The Quraan contains a complete code of life for the individual and society. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), the Quraanic way of life is far superior to the isms that modern man has invented out of sheer ignorance. Who can give better guidance than the Creator Himself?
I pray that this humble effort is accepted by Allah Almighty, to whom I pray for mercy and guidance (Aameen).