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Nr. Professor Video type
Video 1: ° Prof. Keith L. Moore -1-

Video 2: ° Prof. Keith L. Moore -2-

Video 3: ° Prof. Alfred Kroener -1-

Video 4: ° Prof. Alfred Kroener -2-
Video 5: ° Prof. Marshall Johnson -1-

Video 6: deg; Prof. Marshall Johnson -2-

Video 7: ° Prof. Yoshihide Kozai

Video 8: ° Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson

Video 9: ° Prof. Hay.

Video 10:° Prof. T.V.N. Persaud.

Video 11: ° Prof. Gerald C. Goeringer

Video 12: ° Prof. Tejatat Tejasen

Source: islam-guide.com

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